Aglaonema pictum ‘Tricolor’ 迷彩粗肋草
原生喺蘇門答臘島海拔一千至二千米高嘅火山上面,迷彩粗肋草以佢特有嘅野戰迷彩葉面風靡唔少植物愛好者,好粗生亦都對生長環境無太多要求,唔怕焗都唔特別需要提供高濕度嘅環境。喺香港嘅室內室外都唔難種,就算放洗手間或者辦公室都好適合。 Aglaonema pictum ‘Tricolor’ is a slow-growing sub-tropical shrub, often referred to as the camouflage plant because of its pattern. Originated in elevation of 1000 – 2000m on the slopes of volcanos in Sumatra and Nias island. Aglaonema pictum tricolor as the name suggested has three different colors on its leaves. It has dark green, bright green and white spotted leaves that give it this unmistakably cool army look. Its leaves are oval to elliptic and longer than wide and it has thick woody stems.