
崖薑蕨 Basket Fern 一葉成景,石屎森林亦可出一席雨林 – 植仔Plantjai

IMG 5487 scaled



If you want to build a little exotic corner at home. With a few layers, the tone can be set. Basket Fern ern and Monstera as the main plant, adding some Calathea, Maranta and Ferns as bottom level, highlighting your little forest with larger-leaf Anthurium, Philodendron or Alocasia. Finally pick some trailing Philodendron or Hoyas and a nice hanging plant for above-head layer and there’s your secret forest.

The difficulty level of Basket Fern should be considered reasonably low. Although it takes a relatively longer time to grow a second leaf if it only has a single leaf initially, and you might have to tolerate any visible leaf damage for that period before a new one is available to replace the damaged leaf. To avoid that, water it a bit more frequently. Using a slightly larger pot or applying more peat moss among your substrates mixes will also be helpful, especially when placing it in a drier or sunnier location where more attention is needed.

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